Promote Free & Reduced Lunch Programs with Video

kids eating lunch in the cafeteria

CIESC Media Services is here to help you highlight all the benefits your school has to offer. You may be familiar with our compliance training videos, recruitment videos, student success stories, or live event coverage—but did you know we can help promote your Free and Reduced Lunch programs too? 

Our video services can effectively communicate to parents that their children may be eligible to receive free or reduced-cost school-provided meals. It’s important to note that in 2020-2022 U.S. public schools were able to provide free meals for all students, however, for the 2022-23 school year, applications are once again required for families seeking free or reduced-price meal benefits. It’s crucial to inform students and their families of this recent change, and what better way to do that than by video? 

Not only will this spread awareness to lower-income students who are seeking meal assistance, but approved applications can help fund a variety of services for students. These services include fee waivers for SAT and ACT tests, scholarships for college tuition, discounted textbooks, funding for support staff for math and literacy programs, and more! 

Check out this recent video below that we created to get the word out about this beneficial initiative at Mooresville Schools.

Communicating through the power of video can simplify your message and make it easy to share amongst the masses. Media Services offers a video template (similar to the video above) that can be customized for each district. Animated videos, in particular, are easy to convert to other languages and have a longer shelf life, providing a better return on your investment with Media Services.

Need help getting started? That’s why we’re here! At CIESC Media Services, we work with our clients to ensure they have the right tools to reach out to their audiences effectively. Check out our FAQ series to learn more about how we can help you with your next production! For additional insight, don’t hesitate to reach out or email!

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