5 Videos Every District Needs To Stay Relevant

professional videos

Every school district offers something unique to its community, and CIESC Media Services is here to help each district play up its strengths to stand out! CIESC Media Services Director, Paul Weller created and led a presentation for the Indiana Association of School Business Officials (IASBO) about the types of videos that can help keep school districts relevant. Learn more about the types of videos (plus real-world examples) that Media Services can create for your school district below.

Here are 5 Videos Every District Needs to Stay Relevant:

District Overview

A district overview video can be a powerful addition to your arsenal of marketing strategies. The purpose of this video is to show the full breadth of your school district, highlighting the aspects that set your schools apart from others. Features can range from academic highlights, athletics, extracurriculars, school spirit, etc. For optimal results, the overview videos should be filmed in multiple locations and feature multiple grade levels to capture the broad spectrum of the district.

The messaging of these overview videos is crafted to be evergreen, so you can promote the video for the following 3-5 years after it is recorded. Shooting evergreen content will save your school district time and hefty costs spent on video production—since the content is general enough to be used for school years to come. 

Typically, district overview videos will propose a general call to action so your audience can learn more about your schools. However, what will stick with your audience is the true power of video—connecting people together. District overviews are a great way to expand the community and reconnect with those who may not know about the great impact your district makes on the students. These videos can store memories and evoke nostalgia for students and alumni while boosting your reach and engagement online. 

Media Services has collaborated with school districts both big and small. For the first part of the process, Media Services will work with districts to build an outline and script. Typically, the team can film all in one day, with about 2 weeks of buffer time to edit the footage, however, the timeline of each project will vary.


Profile videos are all about highlighting a specific group of people associated with the district. This can include teachers, alumni, or even Hall of Fame inductees (if applicable).

The format of profile videos will follow the featured person or group in action to showcase their success or impact. In past projects, we have filmed alumni walking through the building and meeting with their former teachers, taking a moment to reflect on their time at the school. For teachers, we have filmed candid moments in the classroom, capturing how they interact with students. Depending on the profile, there may be multiple filming locations, which Media Services can account for.

For profile videos, there is definitely leeway for creativity in your calls to action. For instance, a profile video for teachers may push viewers to “check out our careers page,” while the call to action for alumni profiles could prompt them to “enroll now.” Media Services has extensive experience in profile videos and has produced over a dozen for Speedway Schools.  

Informational Content

The goal of informational video content is to “show, not tell.” Informational videos offer the opportunity to turn dry content into engaging content. We suggest that these videos are kept short, sweet, and simple. To avoid boring or overwhelming the viewer, each video is crafted to solve one problem. For instance, informational videos can feature the free and reduced lunch program, compliance standards, or student registration. Keep in mind that you may need different versions of these videos—such as versions translated into different languages to account for the cultural diversity of your student body.

Event Coverage

Event coverage videos are rising in popularity… especially since the beginning of the pandemic. There are multiple options for event coverage, including pre-recorded footage, live footage, and recap footage. For pre-recorded videos, you can air them as a premiere event at your convenience, whereas live videos can be streamed to YouTube, Facebook, or your own website. 

For live events, Media Services will shoot with multiple cameras to capture every moment. Live events can include training sessions, professional development, and graduation ceremonies. If you’re in need of a recap video to showcase the event highlights afterward, Media Services can work with you to distribute it in a timely manner.

FUN Student Videos

Nothing boosts online engagement quite like fun student videos! If you’re looking to spice up your school’s image in a lighthearted way, open the floor to creative ideas from students! Encourage students to create content (lip dub videos, music videos, highlights, etc.) and allow them to have guided freedom. Typically with these videos, students can write and produce them on their own, but Media Services will come to film the content—ensuring that it is of the best quality possible.

Watch Director of Media Services, Paul Weller’s full presentation on these 5 different types of videos here.

At Media Services, it’s truly an honor to get to know so many educators in districts across Indiana to help share their stories. Is your district ready to make waves with a featured story? Contact us today to get started!

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