We’re proud to announce that Media Services has been honored with several awards this summer. Media was selected as a Silver Telly Award Winner in 2022 for work with the MSD of Warren Township. The National School Public Relations Association also selected CIESC as winners of two Publications and Digital Media Excellence Awards.

2022 Silver Telly Award Winner
MSD of Warren Township – Join our Family

NSPRA Digital Media Award of Excellence
Anderson: Back to School for All

NSPRA Digital Media Award of Merit
Danville Housekeeping
Winning videos include work with CIESC members and clients. Special thanks to Anderson Community Schools, Danville Community School Corporation, and The MSD of Warren Township for their trust in CIESC Media Services.
The National School Public Relations Association will recognize winners during NSPRA’s 2022 National Seminar on Sunday, July 17th at the Sheraton Grand in Chicago, IL. NSPRA’s mission is to develop professionals to communicate strategically, build trust and foster positive relationships in support of their school communities.
Founded in 1979, the Telly Awards is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs. Honoring the evolving, broad range of work being made including branded content, social video and animation. It’s judged by members of the Telly Awards Judging Council, a group of over 200+ working industry people who have previously won the Telly Awards highest accolade and as such, have demonstrable expertise in the categories they review.