What is the Next Step Document?

Before starting any video project, we review six main topics with our next steps document. With most projects, start with the end in mind. First, identify who you hope will watch your video since knowing your audience is the most important aspect of a successful video. Second, will you have a central theme? A theme can help connect a single video into an overall campaign and let’s move on to number three, what topics will be covered? This is the meat and potatoes of your concepts. Will you cover one topic in depth or tackle multiple points? Remember, the more items you wish to cover in a single video the messier the project might become. How will you tell your story? Do you prefer voiceover, interviews or on-camera segments? With this in mind, where should you film? Think of spaces that showcase and represent your message. You can also watch our video on how do I choose the best interview location for more details. Finally, determine the deadline. This will affect all aspects of production. If you would like to download our next step document visit our website @media.ciesc.org.